Well, hello. Sorry it's been a little while since my last update. This blog has definitely not been high on the priorities list... which is a little unfortunate because I love being able to look back at certain points and just see where we were. More importantly, where my kids were because I forget way too quickly!
So, I just thought I'd do a quick little update at what has been going on in this household. :)
Michael... has gotten a new job! He has been in training the past two weeks. He's an extremely social person so this has actually been a little tough. He's been in an office completely alone and I have definitely noticed a lack of spring in his step each day when he gets home. But training will soon be over and he'll get to rejoin his coworkers in a new position. He'll even have his own desk! He's also got a birthday coming up this weekend :)
Caedmon... He has started preschool two days a week. One thing I was referring to when looking back to past blog entries - this was one of them. I was so unsure of how this would go. Well, my expectations have been blown out of the water. Admittedly, I've been less nervous the older he gets as he is just really comfortable in all sorts of new situations... so I knew he'd do great with preschool. But man, boy loves it. I'm excited for him and glad we made this decision to start him at 2. He's also talking up a storm. Full sentences, too! :) He's just so smart and I can't get over him. And he used to pronounce trains "papa" for Thomas and "peen" for James and "peepee" for Percy. He is now saying all of their names correctly. At least he still says "lala" for water and "foofoo" for orange. I cherish those mispronunciations, they remind me he's still my baby! Definitely not ready for him to say those the right way... It will be a sad day in my book. Last night we prayed before dinner with him and he wanted to keep praying "pray again! again!" so we'd say "thank you God for ____" Well after dinner we were playing outside and out of the blue he said "thank you God for mommy" So thankful for my little mister!
Emmaline... She's doing awesome. Her favorite thing is to be held and she refuses to sleep unless she's held or in a moving car. So sometimes we'll take random drives just to get her to get a small nap in (girl wakes up the moment I set the car seat inside... every. time.) But she's just a wonder. A ridiculously beautiful dream come true to us. Caedmon is a big fan of hers, too :)
And me... I've had my hands full. Ha, we all know how much I love that phrase! But I keep really busy with house related things especially while little man is at preschool. I'm training for a 5K at the end of October, so I'm running 4 times a week and have joined a running club (potentially a second, too!) and recruited a friend who is training with me. It's something that's been on my bucket list and I'm just so proud of myself. I've never been a fan of running so this is a huge deal to me that I'm actually enjoying myself :) And the other thing I've been busy with when I'm not playing and caring for my kids is my photography business (eee!). It's going better than I hoped and I just love it. Michael has told me I found a hobby I love at a time when I really needed it and for that we're both just thankful. I finished up my first class last week and can definitely tell I've learned a TON... so that is very exciting! I plan on making a real blog on this soon, so stay tuned. :) In the mean time, check here if you haven't yet! :)
And that's a quick synopsis of our lives right now. Glad to get you up to speed, ha :) I'm going to try to be better at updating this. promise.
Thanks for updating! :)